Mind Blowing Facts About Planet Earth We Did Not Learn In School
By Laura Lee - January 20, 2022

There is so much we don’t know about our planet. Most of us only know that it is our home and it’s where dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Some also know that it’s part of the solar system, that it’s the only planet known to maintain life, and that it’s also the only one known to have liquid water on its surface. But what else have scientists discovered that our school teachers never taught us? Well, you’re about to find out. Keep reading to learn about the planet we call home.

There are more people living in Southeast Asia than outside of it.

With 4.6 billion inhabitants, Asia is the most populous continent in the world. The region is so populous, in fact, that just part of it is home to the majority of people on the planet. The circle above is about 2,500 mi in radius and contains more than half the world’s population.