Images That Show The Way The World Used To Be
By Daniel Godley - June 22, 2021

The world as we know it today is a result of generations of people and technology transforming and adapting it. Due to this, so many of the things that we take for granted as a part of our everyday lives had previous iterations and histories that precede them, many of which may now seem strange or unthinkable. It’s worth taking a look back, if not just to understand how those who will come after us might think of our time when they do the same.

Double-Decker Buses Were Tested For Tipping Over By Lifting Them

Before wind tunnels and crash test dummies, there were lifts. Doubledecker buses, the signature form of public transport in London, would be attempted to be flipped using a lift to test their road safety capabilities and to ensure that despite their size and dimensions wouldn’t easily be able to be flipped over.